How to meet your soulmate: recommendations to help you start a relationship. Why is it so difficult to find a soulmate To meet a soulmate

If you haven't met your soulmate yet, then something needs to be done about it.

First of all, it is imperative to clear the emotional, physical and psychological space in your life and actively plan for the upcoming appearance. Nature abhors a vacuum. This means that the faster and more completely we clean out everything old, the faster and easier we get the new.

Even if you insist that you are ready, and even if you were ready years ago, there may be some areas in your life that you are simply blocking, rejecting and resisting the appearance of the one you dream of.

Ask yourself a few questions and answer them sincerely in order to take action to move forward.

1. Do I still love someone?

If you answered “Yes” to this question, then think about the following: if you are sure that this person is not your other half and/or you do not have the opportunity to have a real, sincere, reliable relationship with him, then why not Shouldn't you give him the opportunity to just leave your life? Maybe you need to find a new place in your heart for the love that would be planted in you?

2. Is there someone I am angry with or whom I have never forgiven?

Resentment anchors a person to the past and prevents him from clearly focusing on the present moment. Before we can introduce new love into our lives, we need to let go of the resentment and frustration that still holds us back in the past. The following exercise will help you with this.


This exercise in itself should give you a feeling of relief and free up space in your heart for a new relationship.

What you will need:

* A few sheets of paper and a pen * A comfortable chair * 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted time

Make a list of people with whom you felt inferior or towards whom you still feel anger or resentment.

Write a letter to each of them and tell them in detail about all those points that you are still angry about and would like to change. Chances are you'll never send this letter, so give yourself permission to get it all out there. Try to clearly define what you need - from them or from yourself - in order to find a way out of this situation. Once you've completed this step, you'll feel comfortable enough to acknowledge the role you played in the breakup and apologize for any actions you regret.

After you write this letter, write another, this time from your offender to you from his point of view. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem. Imagine him sitting in front of you. Sit in his place, look at yourself through his eyes, see what he saw, and feel what he must have felt. Imagine this person's hand moving across the paper as he shares his vision of your relationship. After you write this letter, read it out loud to release any remaining feelings of resentment or hostility.

3) Is there room in my life for another person?

Be honest. Do you have enough time and energy right now to dedicate to deep, authentic, and secure relationships? If you don't have time right now, when will you have it? If you can't answer, try this little exercise:

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are sitting in a movie theater auditorium in front of a large black screen. Sitting in a dark room, ask your inner voice to project the month and year in big red letters on the screen whenever you have time. If you get a response, great! If not, think about what relationships, commitments, or projects you need to devote more attention to in order to feel “ready.”

4) Am I physically ready?

First impressions mean a lot, and your hairstyle and clothes should make the best impression.

If the man or woman of your dreams is an important corporate executive and you wear avant-garde clothes and dye your hair purple, then you may be adding obstacles to your love life. In addition to style, the color of clothing we choose affects our energy and how people around us perceive us. Think about the messages you send to people through the style, texture, and color of your clothing.

The main point is this: when we look good, we feel good. When we feel good about ourselves, we radiate that feeling and feel more confident. Preparing for the arrival of your soulmate is a great time to take a critical look at your appearance.

Creating space in the soul

As we've discovered, if you want to be ready, willing, and able to welcome your one and only, then you need to create physical, emotional, and mental space. But there is another space that you need to begin to prepare, and it can only emerge through thoughtful reflection and meditation.

To meet your half, you need to be in a state of peace and peace with yourself and communicating with your deepest wisdom. Preparedness is not just about completing projects, building an image, and saying goodbye to old grudges. It is something associated with calm within ourselves, which helps us to hear and feel the quietest whisper of intuition, offering clues to the right actions.

Having set yourself the task of creating space in your life and preparing to welcome your lover, all you now have to do is submit to the deadlines not set by you and allow events to unfold organically. Timing is truly everything. Accepting this means that we become willing to live according to God's schedule rather than trying to stubbornly cling to our own plans. Time and fate are so closely intertwined that we must learn to trust life itself.

“Destiny is the road between God's plan and conscious effort. The first half is out of your control, but the second half is completely in your hands, and your actions will lead to a calculable outcome. Man is not an absolute puppet in the hands of God, but he is not the complete captain of his destiny either.” (Elizabeth Gilbert "Eat, Pray, Love")

There is both an element of deliberate effort and a large element of faith and destiny in preparing for the arrival of your other half. And it is the combination of these three factors that will give you the opportunity to win a prize.

Based on materials from the best-selling book by Ariel Ford "Book No. 2. About love. The Law of Attraction: how to attract a loved one into your life"

15 266 0 Hello! In this article we will tell you how to find your soulmate and what you need to do for this. Does a soulmate even exist and where to look for it?

Where to begin

All people have different desires and life goals. But men and women have one common desire. Namely, to find your soulmate.

Your soulmate is your soul mate with whom you will live many happy years.

Some people don’t see anything difficult in finding “their” person. They easily get along with representatives of the opposite sex, easily start relationships and just as easily end them.

But we won’t talk about fleeting hobbies now. It's about finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

We are convinced that every person has a soul mate. Sometimes in order to find it you have to change more than one partner. Many people only feel truly happy in their third or fourth marriage.

Some women and men who have not had a serious relationship see their destiny in every acquaintance. This is an extremely wrong attitude. Such unions most often do not end well.

A soulmate or life partner is a person whose shortcomings you are willing to put up with.

Before you start actively looking for your soulmate, think about the fact that there are no ideal people. Each has its own pros and cons. Therefore, you will have to adapt to another person, change yourself and your life.

If this fact doesn’t scare you, we’ll tell you where to start your search.

Every woman wants a prince for her husband, and every man wants a queen. But in order for the person you like to pay attention to you, you need:

  1. Watch your appearance.
  2. Love yourself.
  3. Smile at people more often.
  4. Be a self-sufficient person.

These are the minimum requirements that must be met. Now let's take a closer look at each point.

Neat appearance

If you can go out into the street in unpolished shoes, slightly wrinkled clothes or with peeled nail polish, then it is unlikely that the people who are interested in you will like you. Most likely, a representative of the opposite sex with the same dirty shoes, unwashed hair, etc. will fall for you.

But you are looking for a prince, so think about what you must correspond to him. What do we mean by this?

  • Take care of your appearance and personal hygiene. It is unacceptable if you have an unpleasant odor (for example, from your mouth or feet).
  • Dress stylishly and tastefully. If you don’t have extra money for new fashionable things, try to give a second life to the ones you already have, especially since fashion for many things is returning. Review your wardrobe. There are probably things there that never go out of fashion. We are talking about business clothes. The main thing is to successfully combine the individual components of the outfit.
  • Don't neglect accessories. Accessories are a little thing that can complete an image and give it some zest. Well-chosen glasses, a brooch or jewelry will certainly give you self-confidence.

If you doubt your beauty and attractiveness, then try changing your image or hairstyle. Many women, changing their hair color, length, etc., are confident that by changing themselves, changes will definitely occur in their lives.

Love for yourself

In order to find a soulmate for a woman, she needs to learn to love herself. Think about the fact that it is difficult to love a person who does not love himself. People with a lot of complexes are eternal whiners with complaints about life, others and themselves.

If you can classify yourself into this category of people, then get busy urgently. You can attend several trainings or take care of yourself.

For example, if you are overweight and have a lot of complexes about it, you can choose clothes that will hide your flaws. Also think about the fact that some men love very thin women, while others are delighted with curvy figures.

The moment you accept yourself for who you are and stop hiding your eyes and looking away, you will notice that people look at you with interest. And this, although a small one, is a step towards meeting your soul mate.

Sincere smile

Think about who you prefer to look at. For a gloomy or cheerful person? Surely the positive attitude of others lifts your mood too. From this we can conclude that if you smile more often and radiate optimism, people will be more willing to communicate with you.

A smile is not a simple muscle contraction. It is she who informs others about your openness and readiness to communicate. In addition, this lip movement is a great way to lift the mood of yourself and those around you..


Finding a soul mate is just as difficult for a man as it is for a woman. It is for men that such a quality as self-sufficiency is very important. In order to cultivate this quality in yourself, you need:

  • Find yourself a hobby. All people have their favorite pastime. Some people like to bake cakes, some like to fix cars, and some like to grow flowers. Find something you like, giving yourself to which you will feel boundless happiness.
  • Spend more time with your family. Relatives are people who can support you in any situation, cheer you up and simply listen. It is with these people that you will not feel lonely, and the absence of a soulmate will not hurt your heart so much.
  • Find an interesting job that will bring you a stable income. If you like your profession and place of work, you will go to it with great desire, give it your all, and in return you will receive a feeling of satisfaction and the desired income.
  • Learn to believe in yourself and your strengths. Confident and strong-willed people stand out from the crowd. Therefore, it is worth thinking about cultivating these qualities in yourself.
  • Keep a diary and write down everything that happens in your life.. Psychologists say that it is the diary that clearly illustrates your achievements and the steps taken towards your goal.

Some women and men, not knowing how and where to look for their soulmate, turn to psychologists for help. The help of these specialists helps people find a soul mate.

We tried to collect the maximum number of tips that will be useful to both men and women.

Set a goal

We are not talking about the fact that you need to set yourself to start a family within the next 6 months. The point is that you must want to let another person into your life. There is no need to tell everyone that I don’t need anyone and that loneliness suits me.

This way, you will only push people away on a subconscious level. Just decide for yourself that you really want to find your destiny and you will definitely do it. You need to believe it, and then those around you will believe it.

Cultivate new positive qualities and character traits in yourself

Take a piece of paper and write down all your strengths and weaknesses, and also make a list of qualities that you would like to acquire. Evaluate the result of your work and think about how to correct shortcomings and what needs to be done to cultivate the missing qualities in yourself.

For example, you consider yourself a closed and uninitiative person. But you really want to make acquaintances with ease, like your other comrades. To do this, you will have to get out of your comfort zone, smile more often and learn to start a conversation yourself.

Stop looking for the ideal

Every person wants to find the ideal representative of the opposite sex. But this is impossible to do, because such people do not exist. If you have not yet met a person whose image suits you, you should not reject the courtship of people who fall short of the ideal.

Many women who have already found their soulmate claim that the first impression of their future husband was not the best. But they gave men a chance to open up, after which they forgot to think about the ideal.

Communicate more and be part of society

In order to connect your life with your soulmate, it’s not enough to just lie on the couch and wait for your soulmate to knock on the door.

You definitely need to develop social connections. We offer:

  • Attend various seminars and trainings . Think about what interests you and sign up for a seminar, training, or go to an exhibition. It is there that you can find a person with whom you will at least have common interests.
  • Find yourself a hobby. For example, you love to read, but you buy books electronically or read them online. We suggest visiting a bookstore, where you will be in your element, buy the printed edition that you like, and also have the opportunity to flirt with a cute seller or a buyer like you.
  • Become a volunteer . By doing good deeds, you not only help other people, but also feel needed and important. Who knows, maybe by doing such important work, you will be justly rewarded by fate itself.
  • Spend more time with family and friends . Think about the fact that your friends, knowing that you are single and looking for a soul mate, will introduce you to the person you need.

Agree to blind dates

If your friends want to introduce you to a member of the opposite sex, then do not reject their offer. Most often, such people only want the best for you and will definitely not introduce you to a maniac. Therefore, relax and try to get the most out of the upcoming meeting.

Don't lie about yourself

When filling out a form on dating sites, provide accurate information. If you decide to try your luck on the Internet, we advise you to provide the most reliable information possible. Of course, you may fall for not entirely honest users of this site, but at least no one will be disappointed in you when they come on a date.

Meet people in places where your heart rate increases

Scientists have proven that sympathy arises when excited. At the moment when the heart begins to beat faster, sweating increases, and all sensations are perceived more vividly. Thanks to this, interest in the other person arises.

  • Gyms or fitness clubs;
  • Extreme hikes;
  • Cinemas, watching horror films, etc.

Work on your relationships

If you have found your soul mate, but doubt that this particular person is your soulmate, do not rush to end this relationship in search of something better.

Understand that everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Surely it happens that some quality in yourself irritates you, and what can we say about a stranger.

If your chosen one is not indifferent to you, but some of his character traits do not suit you, try to talk about it and come to a compromise. Just remember that you may have to change too.

If you do not work on your relationship together with your partner, then you will not be able to create an alliance, even with an ideal one.

There are several techniques that will help you find your soul mate. These methods only work if you believe in the positive effect. If you are determined, then read carefully and start implementing your plans.

We place an order into the Universe

You've probably heard that thoughts are material and everything we think about sooner or later comes true. Based on this statement, we propose to ask you to find us a soul mate in the Universe.

To do this, you must imagine your ideal. After that, take a piece of paper and describe the appearance and qualities that this man should have.

For example, my future husband should be:

  1. Tall;
  2. Brown-eyed;
  3. pumped up;
  4. Sociable;
  5. Attentive;
  6. Romantic, etc.

When you create this list, you have to put your heart and soul into it and really represent that person.

Read it again and burn it. The ashes can be scattered in the wind. The moment you get rid of the remaining paper, your request is activated and the Universe begins to work.

If you don't like the idea of ​​burning your list, you can roll it up, put it in a balloon, inflate it, and hang it in a visible place. After you find your soulmate (and this will happen sooner or later), you will be very surprised when you discover the similarity of a real person with the one described on paper.

Wish poster

This method helps you visualize your dream. Its meaning is as follows. You imagine your man and think what you would like to receive from him as an addition. After this, take a blank sheet of paper (it’s better to take Whatman paper), several women’s magazines, scissors and glue.

Now find pictures that match your needs and cut them out. For example, cut out the man you like most, a car, a house, a baby, wedding rings.

After that, stick your photo in the center, and place your chosen companion next to it. After that, around your couple, glue a car that your chosen one will presumably own, rings symbolizing marriage, children - future offspring, etc.

This masterpiece needs to be hung in a prominent place so that every time you wake up, your eyes are drawn to the wish poster.

Thanks to him, you will not forget about your goal and will definitely achieve what you want.

Let us remind you once again that these methods really work if you truly believe in them.

What not to do when looking for a soul mate

Some women remain lonely because they are either constantly inactive, or use prohibited or unpromising search methods. We analyzed the main mistakes of ladies and compiled a list of the most senseless methods to get a man.


  1. Use any kind of magic. If you believe in the effectiveness of various conspiracies and love spells, then you must understand that they have the opposite effect. For example, your physical, mental or emotional condition may deteriorate.
  2. To take a person away from the family or to take someone away from them. As popular wisdom says, “You can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune.” There is a deal of truth in it. Think about the fact that if a person leaves his wife or girlfriend once, then this can happen to you.
  3. Use pathetic methods. For example, offering sex, and after sex using the same blackmail.
  4. Give up and wait for everything to work itself out. Each of us is the smith of our own happiness. In order to receive this very happiness, you need to earn it.
  5. Get depressed and suffer. If you are worried about your loneliness, then think that it is better to wait for a good person who will love you than to marry the first person you meet, and then blame yourself for it.
  6. Do nothing. If you don’t change anything in your life, then you will be looking for your soulmate for a very long time, and perhaps you will never find it.

Where to find your soulmate

You can make an acquaintance that will develop into a serious relationship anywhere, even in traffic jams. But the most successful places are:

  • Restaurants;
  • Cinemas;
  • Workplaces;
  • Celebrations of friends;
  • Airports, train stations;
  • World Wide Web (social networks, forums, dating sites).


There are situations when women, trying to find a soul mate, are ready to try all methods. For example, they register on dating sites and go on blind dates. But here you need to be very careful not to fall for any scammers or people with mental problems.

We are not discouraging you from dating via the Internet, but simply warning about possible dangers.


Life is a very interesting thing and it constantly throws surprises at us. When you really, really want to find a life partner, nothing happens. But as soon as you give up on everything and let go of the situation, several suitors appear in your life at once.

Psychologist, 16 years of practical experience. Olga works in the following areas: Gestalt therapy, Psychodrama, Systemic family therapy, Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.

All your girlfriends/friends have soul mates, but you don’t? And instead of going on dates, you're stuck inside four walls? Yes, you have already been on many dates, but things are not moving forward. What's happening? Why can't you build a happy and long-lasting relationship?

If you find yourself single more often than you'd like, you might want to consider these top 5 reasons why people can't meet their soulmate.

1. You're too caught up in being in love.

Each of us tends to get used to certain behaviors. Ask anyone and they will tell you what habits they have that are very difficult for them to overcome. Many people think that addiction only comes in the form of cigarettes, alcohol, gambling or drugs. This is wrong. There are a huge number of strong addictions, one of which is falling in love.

Psychologists view love addiction as a “cocaine fever” and characterize the initial stage of falling in love as follows: “This is a period of intense and very pleasant connection based on mutual fantasies that you and the other person understand perfectly and are perfectly suited to each other.”

Do you like the period of falling in love more than the subsequent development of the relationship? After the initial “high” and romantic feeling, do you get the feeling that everything is dissipating and the initial attraction is disappearing somewhere? If yes, then you should notice that after such a development, you begin to look for love again, and the cycle repeats again and again.

2. You are waiting for your “one”

Do you have a set of characteristics of an ideal man (woman)? Should he be tall, sexy and funny? Should she be beautiful, kind and affectionate?

Such a set of characteristics required for a future partner can prevent you from finding your true happiness.

But this happens when your expectations are unrealistic. Men, for example, often want a woman who looks like a supermodel, and women want their guy to look like Channing Tatum. When meeting a person, you always carefully study a person and immediately discard his candidacy if he does not fit your idea of ​​“the one.” Being too picky is one of the main reasons that prevents you from enjoying your relationship.

3. Your standards are too high

While you may not have much of an idea about your ideal soul mate, you certainly may have too high expectations for the people you agree to go on a date with. Maybe you agree to only date men who earn a certain amount per month; or you only meet women who graduated from a prestigious educational institution.

You may think that such standards only help you avoid mistakes and make the right choice, but in reality they only reduce your chances of finding your happiness. Evaluate your standards and try to discard too high expectations.

4. You always prove that you are right

Are you one of those people who always wants to win an argument? Can you argue with your parents, best friend or lover until you're blue in the face? If so, then you should think about the fact that the desire to always be right only pushes people away.

Of course, no one likes to be wrong. But when you defend your point of view to the last, you are thus trying to get rid of feelings of shame or guilt.

Just think about it, who would want to be with someone who thinks he is right all the time? Instead of endlessly arguing, better learn to listen to the other person and calmly respond to his opinion and your own wrongness.

5. You stopped taking care of yourself.

Have you been single for a very long time and therefore stopped caring about how you look? Unfortunately, this happens very often.
Life without a love relationship in many cases leads to a disdainful attitude towards one's own appearance. You may not even pay attention to the fact that you have gained noticeable weight, that your hair needs care, or that it’s high time for a manicure. You may not think about it, but every time you leave the house, you have a chance to meet someone.

Men always pay attention to how a woman looks. Women also care which chosen one will be next to them. We all want our soulmate to be slim, well-groomed and interesting. So if you want to find a suitable match for yourself, do not forget that you will also certainly be evaluated.

It's never too late to find true love

So, let's summarize. What do you need to do to meet your soul mate?

First, realizing that you are not with the man or woman of your dreams right now because you still need to work on yourself is the first step in finding the perfect love relationship. You shouldn’t instantly fall in love and idealize the first person you meet; you need to get rid of unrealistic demands on your potential husband or wife, work on a positive communication style in conflict situations and pay attention to your appearance.

Changing your perceptions and beliefs can help you improve your life and see the positive in all your encounters. Of course, it's never too late to find love. People often deliberately put off marriage in order to focus on their career. And it can provide time to understand yourself and work on any personal issues.

So, instead of feeling resentful and bitter that you still haven't found your true love, start working on yourself and create a good foundation for a long and happy relationship.

Some single people, asking the question “How to find love?”, believe that just waiting for it, they do everything in their power.

Others have despaired of searching and it seems that they have already tried all the methods and methods, visited all the likely meeting places and met many potential contenders for the title of the second half, but still have not found it.

Meeting a loved one can be viewed in different ways: as fate, luck, a miracle, a happy coincidence, but you should not rely only on chance. To find love, you need to look for it and do it right.

It’s worth mentioning right away that there is no universal, guaranteed way to find love, because despite the fact that everyone is looking for it, everyone has their own ideas about the ideal chosen one or chosen one. However, psychology can help single people find a match they like. So how and where to find love?

Reasons for loneliness

Before you begin an active search, you need to understand yourself and your needs for love. It would be good to understand for yourself what pushes you to search for your other half. In addition, it is important to clarify what are the reasons for temporary loneliness.

Possible reasons for loneliness:

  • fear of strong feelings or relationships;
  • fear of meeting people of the opposite sex;
  • behavior that repels potential partners;
  • inflated demands on the desired chosen one;
  • lack of free time;
  • inability to get along with people, isolation, and other character flaws;
  • psychological trauma in the past;
  • postponing life “for later” and other reasons.

People seek love for different reasons and this need is not always related to the need for love.

Possible reasons for looking for love:

  • desire to have a permanent sexual partner;
  • social desirability, the desire to be “like all normal people”;
  • relationships for the sake of relationships, the desire to be paired with someone, just not to be alone;
  • the desire to benefit from the relationship, to solve problems at the expense of another person;
  • the desire to be loved, to receive love, but not to love;
  • the desire to love, to give your care and tenderness;
  • need for love: the desire to both give love and receive it.

The need for love is satisfied by love. If a person seeks love for the sake of satisfying other needs (material well-being, status, professional development, sex, and so on), the other person becomes only a means to achieve the goal.

Of course, it is possible that a relationship that began for the sake of achieving one or another personal gain will develop into love, but still, when asking the question of how to find true love, it is first better to ask yourself “Am I looking for love?” and answer completely honestly.

Preparing to meet love

If the desire to get an answer to the question: “How to find love?” becomes the main goal, and trusting and close relationships are needed like air, psychologists recommend taking several steps that will open up the possibilities of an effective search and reveal personal potential, which will facilitate an early meeting with your loved one :

  • Decide what type of relationship is desirable

How to find your love without understanding what it should be? This should be a bright but short-lived romance; a long candy-bouquet period when the couple just meets; civil marriage or family, with a common life and the appearance of children? Understanding what kind of relationship you want to have helps you determine the qualities you would like to see in a partner.

  • Make a list of the personality traits of your desired partner

The list can be either handwritten or speculative. It cannot contain all possible ones, but it must be close to reality.

In addition to the desired positive character traits, you can write two or three negative qualities, but only those with which you can “get along.” There are no ideal people, but there are people who are compatible, close to each other, with common views of the world and interests. What kind of person is suitable, will be compatible psychologically, everyday, sexually, spiritually and at the same time will you like it?

Why do you need a list of partner qualities? Firstly, in order to quickly find the desired love. An ephemeral dream written down on a piece of paper turns into a goal, which increases the likelihood of achieving it.

Secondly, to be able to discern your ideal among many random passers-by and not make a mistake in your choice. At the same time, you need to understand that the list is only a guideline, not a template.

Thirdly, so as not to be disappointed in the chosen one, not to place excessive demands on him and not to blame fate if the relationship does not work out the way you wanted.

  • Visualization, forming an idea of ​​​​the desired partner and relationship

It is impossible to find “that, I don’t know what.” You need to understand and realize what kind of partner you need. Undoubtedly, in addition to psychological compatibility, aesthetic tastes and sexual preferences must be taken into account. You can imagine the desired appearance of a partner, but it is not as important when building a serious relationship as spiritual qualities and psychological compatibility.

By imagining the desired relationship, you can not only visualize your lover, but also set into motion those emotional disturbances, emotions and feelings that you want to feel, experience them as if it were already happening in the present, and not in the future.

  • Love yourself

No matter how banal this phrase may sound, it is still a simple truth that everyone who wants to be happy must comprehend. At the same time, it is important to understand that painful pride, inflated self-esteem or pride are not the same as self-love.

Self-love is the ability to accept yourself as you are, to see both the advantages and disadvantages of your personality, but not to extol or exaggerate either one or the other, to understand and accept your uniqueness.

To find true love, you don't need to play roles, you need to be yourself. Open, bold, sincere behavior combined with self-respect, as well as the ability to turn shortcomings into “highlights” makes a person charming. Playing someone else's role all the time will not work, since this is constant tension, fears, anxieties, and, by and large, self-deception and deception of another person.

In addition, if an individual accepts his own shortcomings, he can also accept others. And the ability to accept another person as he is is one of those abilities that helps to “fall” anyone in love with you.

Every person, without exception, likes to be understood and accepted without judgment or humiliation. This feeling evokes affection and sympathy. The ability to accept the identity of a loved one strengthens the relationship between people who have already found each other.

  • Work on yourself

This step does not contradict the previous one, but only complements it. Some people consider themselves worthy of an ideal partner, but do not notice their own imperfections. It doesn’t hurt to ask the question: “Do I meet the list of requirements for a desired partner?”

By putting your appearance and inner world in order, you can bring your meeting with love closer. Yes, everyone has shortcomings and they need to be accepted, but by loving yourself, why not correct them?

For example, every man wants his chosen one to know how to cook. If a girl looking for love isn't good at cooking, why not learn these useful skills?

You need to be prepared to meet love. Sincere belief in the possibility of happiness, optimism, self-acceptance and openness to love will create all the necessary conditions for the long-awaited meeting to finally take place. The right attitude and attitude towards finding a loved one will tell you how to find true love.

  • Where to look for love

When it becomes clear that the question: “How to find love?”, about the internal moral and physical readiness to meet and recognize it, it remains to clarify where to find love?

Without exaggeration, you can find love anywhere! This meeting can be amazingly random or it can be a discovery. People meet on the street, in transport, standing in line, at concerts of musical groups, and so on.

Most often in our time, dating occurs:

  1. On the Internet: on social networks, chat rooms, dating sites, and so on.
  2. In the company of mutual acquaintances, friends, relatives.
  3. In places of interest: cinema, theater, club, gym, cafe and other public places and institutions.
  4. In educational institutions (schools, universities, trainings) and at work.

When looking for your other half, you should pay attention to new acquaintances, random passers-by, and also take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps the right person has always been nearby, but remained unnoticed. Openness and attentiveness, a willingness to notice helps to see opportunities. Love comes to those who are ready for it!

Don't be afraid to take the initiative when meeting a guy/girl. Yes, of course, it is exciting and shy to meet people, especially in person; doubts and fears arise, but a purposeful person will be able to put them aside and take a decisive and bold step towards destiny.

You shouldn’t be afraid of getting rejected or making a mistake in your choice; it’s much worse to miss the opportunity to meet the right person. How to find your love without having the experience of dating and communicating with the wrong people? It is experience, the understanding of what is “not mine” that helps to understand what is desired and needed; without comparison it is difficult to draw conclusions and analyze.

It’s not for nothing that the good old song says, “Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it...”. Waiting without waiting is another answer to the question of how to find love. There is no need to frantically cling to the idea of ​​finding love, it is better to let go of the situation, engage in self-realization and enjoy life.

A self-sufficient, mature person does not expect love as a panacea for all troubles, but finds and creates happiness here and now. The ability to enjoy life gives rise to that inner feeling of goodness, harmony and all-encompassing love, which is reflected in the outside world and attracts the right, suitable, close person.

Every man and every woman is worthy of love, and it exists, you just have to understand its nature, and when you meet, recognize and feel it!