Healthy cynicism. Concept in simple words

Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo

It seems she just got off own canvas: tiny height, smoothly combed black hair, a heavy braid around the head, always closed almost surreal wide eyebrows, flashy, even vulgar makeup, and even a limp to boot - not a hint of femininity or beauty. Her name was Frida Kahlo, amazingly ugly, amazingly talented. Frida didn't have art education, working intuitively, copying the reality that she alone saw. Kahlo has 142 paintings in his arsenal, 55 of which are self-portraits, another twenty are disguised self-portraits.

She was born in 1907 in Mexico, suffered as a child serious illness, as a result of which she was left with a lifelong limp, and eighteen years later she got into a terrible accident, which turned the artist’s whole life upside down. On September 17, 1925, in Mexico City, at an intersection near the San Juan market, a tram crashed into the bus in which Frida was traveling. One of the iron fragments of the carriage pierced Frida right through at the level of the pelvis and exited through the vagina. “So I lost my virginity,” she said later, clutching an eternal cigarette in her teeth.

Two years after the collision between the tram and the bus in which Frida was, Kahlo spent in bed without the slightest hope of ever getting back on her feet - a serious spinal injury left the girl no chance. To forget about the endless pain and melancholy, Frida took up her brushes and paints. It was then that her passion for self-portraits arose. This happened for the only reason - the artist had no opportunity to go outside to see anything other than herself. Lying in bed and looking into a mirror specially installed near the pillow, she recreated her face over and over again. One day, the work of the young self-taught artist was seen by a fairly famous communist artist, Diego Rivera. Frida's canvases captivated the eminent master. From that moment on, the fate of the Mexican woman was predetermined - Diego would become eternal companion Frida until her death, and probably for many centuries after. Ironically, Rivera, who once revealed Frida Kahlo to the world, is now practically forgotten, but Frida’s fame lives on and seems to be growing every year.

Despite the disappointing diagnosis, Kahlo still stood on her feet, which now, in addition to her limp, were “decorated” by numerous scars - it would seem, who would look at such a beauty? But Diego, far from Apollo himself, saw in Frida something other than earthly traits.

Frida did not come to the wedding dressed up, as if proud of her unattractive appearance. Her only decoration was a flower carelessly stuck in her hair. Then, on the first day of family life, Diego showed his far from angelic character. The 42-year-old newlywed, having had too much alcohol, suddenly grabbed a pistol and began firing it into the air. The exhortations only inflamed the wild artist. The first family scandal occurred. Frida went to her parents. True, then the lovers finally reunited. The newlyweds moved to their first apartment, and then to the Blue House, which later became the Frida Kahlo Museum, on Londres Street in Coyaocan, the most bohemian district of Mexico City, where they lived for many years.

"Without Hope", Frida Kahlo

In one of her paintings, where Frida once again depicted herself, the artist lies in a bed in a mountainous desert. A disproportionately large ladder is installed above the bed, supporting a huge funnel inserted into the mouth of the lying woman. The funnel is filled with red meat, skulls, fish, and strange but repulsive objects. The moon barely shines in the sky and the sun, like a tomato, shines brightly. The canvas is called “Without Hope”. All the years spent married to Diego, Frida spoke to him through her creativity. The couple could not have any other dialogue - both were terribly busy... with love. Rivera, despite the impressive age difference (Diego was twenty years older than his wife), to family values was more than indifferent - he happily walked to the left, changing lovers like gloves. Frida did not lag behind him - her love stories were significantly inferior to Rivera in quantity, but superior in quality: for their short life Kahlo managed to charm Trotsky and begin an affair with Spanish artist Jose Bartoli.

Natalia Sedova (Trotsky's wife), Frida Kahlo, Leon Trotsky

Frida Kahlo and Bartoli met in Spain when she was recovering from another spinal operation. Returning to Mexico, she broke off the physical relationship with Bartoli, but they secret romance continued at a distance. The correspondence lasted for several years, affecting the artist’s painting, her health and relationship with her husband. More recently, more than 100 pages of love correspondence were sold at auction in New York for fabulous money - Frida's admirers valued the letters at 137 thousand dollars. "I don't know how to write Love letters. But I want to say that my whole being is open to you. Since I fell in love with you, everything has been mixed up and filled with beauty... love is like a fragrance, like a current, like rain,” Frida Kahlo wrote in 1946 in her address to Bartoli, who moved to New York. escaping horrors civil war in Spain.

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Frida Kahlo (photo, most likely, just a photomontage)

To this day, Frida is credited with another novel: with Vladimir Mayakovsky. True, according to historians, the version about possible love between a poet and an artist is not viable. The trouble is that the two greats most likely never met, despite the photo of them together circulating on the Internet. Experts are sure that the photo is fake. Although, given the similarity of views of Frida and Vladimir, as well as the passionate nature of both, it is quite possible to assume that they would not have met without an affair.

Without exception, all of Frida’s love stories are shrouded in mystery - none of them could be proven; we can only guess with whom the brilliant Kahlo sought solace. Among her lovers there is also traditionally one the only woman– singer Chavela Vargas. The reason for the gossip was candid photographs of girls, where Frida, dressed in men's suit, drowns in Chavela's arms. However, Diego, who openly cheated on his wife, did not pay attention to her hobbies with women; such connections seemed frivolous to him, which cannot be said about Frida’s relationships with men. Time after time, fires flared up in a house with bright blue walls. huge scandals, each time ending in the same way: Diego and Frida made peace, realizing the complete impossibility of parting with each other, and went in search of new love adventures.

Frida Kahlo and Chavela Vargas

However, not even the strongest psychological attachment can withstand the onslaught of external obstacles, and every year of Frida’s marriage they only became more numerous. She is tired. In 1939, Kahlo and Rivera officially divorced. Just one year later, Diego, suddenly realizing his fatal mistake, found Frida and declared that he wanted to marry her again. She agreed without further hesitation. The truth has set conditions: they will not have sexual relations, and they will conduct financial affairs separately. Together they will only pay for household expenses. So strange marriage contract. But Diego was so happy to have his Frida back that he willingly signed this document.

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo

For the last ten years of her life, Frida kept a diary, completely covering the pages with her husband’s name and drawings. “I only want one thing: that no one would hurt him... If I had health, I would give it entirely to Diego,” Kahlo wrote on one of the last sheets. Throughout her entire adult life, spent near her husband, Frida could not express in words what she felt for her lover. Her love arose and dissolved again in pictures, screamed, cried and could not break out - we always lack words to tell everything about our love. Happy is the one who only needs to say “I love you” to remain satisfied.

Shortly before her death, Frida wrote down on a piece of paper something that had haunted her for many years: “In saliva, in paper, in eclipse, in all the lines, in all the colors, in all the jugs, in my chest, outside, inside... DIEGO in my mouth, in my heart, in my madness, in my dream, in blotting paper, in the tip of a pen, in pencils, in landscapes, in food, in metal, in imagination, in illnesses, in shop windows, in his tricks , in his eyes, in his lips, in his lies.”

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Frida died at the age of 47 from pneumonia. Having undergone countless operations, getting back on her feet after a triple fracture of the spine, she, the great, unique Frida, who loved, the beloved, ceased to be from a lingering cold on Tuesday, July 13, 1954. The last entry in her diary read: “I look forward to leaving cheerfully and hope never to return. Frida." But she returns, every time, every day, the amazing, ugly Frida Kahlo lives among us, who knew everything about love.

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (Spanish: Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderún, July 6, 1907, Coyoacan - July 13, 1954, ibid.) - Mexican artist. Frida Kahlo was born into a family of a German Jew and a Spanish mother American origin. At the age of 6 she suffered from polio, after the illness she was left with a limp for the rest of her life, and her right leg became thinner than her left (which Kahlo hid under all her life). long skirts). Such an early experience of the struggle for the right to a full life strengthened Frida’s character.

At the age of 15 she entered the “Preparatorium” (National preparatory school) for the purpose of studying medicine. Of the 2,000 students in this school, there were only 35 girls. Frida immediately gained credibility by creating with eight other students closed group"Cachuchas." Her behavior was often called shocking.

In the Preparatorium, her first meeting took place with her future husband, the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera, who worked at the Preparatory School on the painting “Creation” from 1921 to 1923.

At age 18, Frida was involved in a serious accident, the injuries from which included a broken spine, a broken collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, eleven fractures in her right leg, a crushed and dislocated right foot, and a dislocated shoulder. In addition, her stomach and uterus were pierced by a metal railing, which seriously damaged her reproductive function. She was bedridden for a year, and health problems remained for the rest of her life. Subsequently, Frida had to undergo several dozen operations, without leaving the hospital for months. Despite her ardent desire, she was never able to become a mother.

It was after the tragedy that she first asked her father for brushes and paints. A special stretcher was made for Frida, which allowed her to write while lying down. A large mirror was attached under the canopy of the bed so that she could see herself. The first painting was a self-portrait, which forever determined the main direction of creativity: “I paint myself because I spend a lot of time alone and because I am the topic that I know best.”

In 1929, Frida Kahlo became the wife of Diego Rivera. The two artists were brought together not only by art, but also by common political beliefs - communist. Their stormy living together became a legend. In the 1930s Frida lived for some time in the USA, where her husband worked. This forced long stay abroad, in a developed industrial country, made the artist more acutely aware of national differences.

Since then, Frida had a special love for Mexican folk culture and collected ancient works applied arts, even in Everyday life wore national costumes.

A trip to Paris in 1939, where Frida became a sensation at a thematic exhibition of Mexican art (one of her paintings was even acquired by the Louvre), further developed patriotic feelings.

In 1937, Soviet revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky briefly took refuge in the house of Diego and Frida. It is believed that his too obvious infatuation with the temperamental Mexican forced him to leave them.

“There were two accidents in my life: one was when a bus crashed into a tram, the other was Diego,” Frida liked to repeat. Rivera's latest betrayal is adultery with her younger sister Christina - almost finished her off. In 1939 they divorced. Diego later confesses: “We were married for 13 years and always loved each other. Frida even learned to accept my infidelity, but could not understand why I choose those women who are unworthy of me, or those who are inferior to her... She assumed that I was a vicious victim own desires. But it is a white lie to think that divorce will end Frida’s suffering. Won't she continue to suffer?"

Frida admired Andre Breton - he found her work worthy of his favorite brainchild - surrealism and tried to recruit Frida into the army of surrealists. Fascinated by the Mexican common life and skilled artisans, Breton organized the All Mexico exhibition after returning to Paris and invited Frida Kahlo to participate. Parisian snobs, fed up with their own inventions, visited the exhibition of handicrafts without much enthusiasm, but the image of Frida left a deep imprint in the memory of bohemia. Marcel Duchamp, Wassily Kandinsky, Picabia, Tzara, surrealist poets and even Pablo Picasso, who gave a dinner in Frida’s honor and gave her one “surreal” earring - everyone appreciated the uniqueness and mystery of this person. And the famous Elsa Schiaparelli, a lover of everything unusual and shocking, was so carried away by her image that she created the Madame Rivera dress. But the hype did not mislead Frida about the place of her painting in the eyes of all these “sons of bitches.” She did not allow Paris to adapt herself, she remained, as always, in “non-illusion.”

Frida remained Frida, not succumbing to any lures of new trends or fashion trends. In her reality, only Diego is absolutely real. “Diego is everything, everything that lives in minutes of no-clocks, no-calendars and empty no-looks is him.”

They got married a second time in 1940, a year after the divorce, and remained together until her death.

In the 1940s Frida's paintings appear in several notable exhibitions. At the same time, her health problems are getting worse. Medicines and drugs designed to reduce physical suffering, change it state of mind, which is clearly reflected in the Diary, which has become a cult among her fans.

Shortly before her death, her right leg was amputated, her suffering turned into torture, but she found the strength to open the last exhibition in the spring of 1953. Shortly before the appointed hour, those gathered heard the howl of sirens. It was in an ambulance, accompanied by an escort of motorcyclists, that the hero of the occasion arrived. From the hospital, after surgery. She was carried in on a stretcher and placed on a bed in the center of the hall. Frida joked, sang her favorite sentimental songs to the accompaniment of the Mariachi orchestra, smoked and drank, hoping that alcohol would help relieve the pain.

That unforgettable performance shocked photographers, reporters, fans, just like the last posthumous one on July 13, 1954, when with her body wrapped in the banner of the Mexican communist party, crowds of fans came to the crematorium hall to say goodbye.

Despite a life full of pain and suffering, Frida Kahlo had a lively and liberated extroverted nature, whose daily speech was littered with profanities. Having been a tomboy (tomboy) in her youth, she has not lost her ardor in later years. Kahlo smoked heavily, drank alcohol in excess (especially tequila), was openly bisexual, sang obscene songs and told equally obscene jokes to the guests of her wild parties.

In the works of Frida Kahlo, the influence of Mexican folk art and the culture of pre-Columbian civilizations of America is very strong. Her work is full of symbols and fetishes. However, there is also a noticeable influence European painting— Frida’s passion for, for example, Botticelli was clearly evident in her early works.

She was destined to endure pain: 32 operations, a wheelchair and a cast to support her broken spine. Her mad love for her husband was replaced by the same hatred, devotion - numerous novels. Frida Kahlo became a legend during her lifetime.

“Wooden Leg”: how Frida became a cripple

In the suburbs of Mexico City there was a building that was called the Blue House because of the cobalt paint on the walls. The family of a German Lutheran emigrant lived here Guillermo Calo and beautiful Mexican women with Indian roots Matilda. On July 6, 1907, their third daughter was born - Frida.

At the age of six, the girl suffered from polio. After the illness, her right leg became shorter and much thinner than her left. Frida subsequently hid this physical defect all her life under long skirts or men's trousers.

But she couldn’t hide her lameness, which is why the boys teased her with her “wooden leg.” But Frida could stand up for herself and punish the offenders. She practiced boxing and generally loved sports. And her sharp mind and lively character made her a leader in any company.

In 1922, the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera painted ceilings at the National Preparatory School. He periodically heard a girl's voice shouting insults at him. But he could not find the hooligan herself, hiding behind the columns.

Some time later, when Diego and his second wife Lupe Marin was working on scaffolding when a student was pushed into the classroom. The girl asked permission to watch the work of the great artist. She did not take her eyes off the man, and this began to irritate Marin.

The woman began to make sarcastic remarks about the young fan, and then could not stand it and approached the girl closely with a menacing look. But the student calmly met the gaze of the artist’s wife, which delighted the woman. At the end of the day, the girl, leaving, said only two words “ Good night", and Rivera recognized the voice of that same hooligan.

Frida Kahlo at age 12. Source: wikipedia

Two accidents: fate cruelly tested Frida Kahlo

On September 17, 1925, Frida was traveling by bus on urgent business. The driver lost control and crashed into the tram. Terrible accident forever changed the life of 18-year-old Kahlo, who simply miraculously managed to get out of the other world.

She spent several years at hospital bed. After the collision, she had a triple fracture of the spine in the lumbar region, a triple fracture of the pelvis, a broken collarbone and ribs, the foot of her right leg was crushed and dislocated, in addition, the bones in her leg were broken in 11 places. And this is not counting dislocations and bruises.

But the worst thing is that the girl was practically impaled on a metal railing that pierced her stomach and uterus. From that day on, Frida learned not only to live again, then sit and walk, but also to endure constant, unbearable pain.

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. 1932 Photo: Carl Van Vechten. Source: wikipedia

She had to spend several months in a cast, then lie motionless in bed. And it was at this time that she asked to make her a special stretcher so that she could draw while lying down. Frida asked to fix a mirror on the ceiling and began to paint her self-portrait.

After many months, when Kahlo could move independently, she came to Diego Rivera, who was painting a mural in the building of the Ministry of Education, and asked him to look at some of her works. According to Diego's recollections, he immediately realized what was in front of him a real artist. And during the conversation, he remembered the girl who shouted insults at him, and then looked at his work in fascination. Rivera later wrote that it was at that moment that Frida became the most main part his life. And Kahlo admitted that two accidents happened to her: a collision between a bus and a tram and a meeting with Diego Rivera.

The betrayal of her husband and sister almost broke Frida

On August 21, 1929, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo got married. The girl's parents were against this marriage. Rivera, ugly, fat, enormous growth, who does not miss a single skirt, would hardly have improved after his third marriage. But he was famous and rich, which was a significant plus.

And Frida's parents gave up. True, Diego showed himself in all his glory on his wedding day: he got drunk, started fighting with his friends, and then fired a gun at them. Kahlo was so angry with her fiancé that she did not leave her father and mother’s house for several days.

Frida dreamed of giving birth to Diego's child, although he was against it. She became pregnant three times, but due to injuries received in the accident, she was unable to bear the baby. Due to constant pain, she spent several months in hospitals. At the same time, Diego, who was 21 years older than his wife, was not bored and started affairs on the side.

Artists, actors, writers, and communists gathered in their house, since both were passionate admirers of Marxism and were members of the Mexican Communist Party.

Frida smoked a lot, loved tequila and strong words. She constantly egged her husband on, as she was very worried about his love of love. And then she herself began to have affairs on the side, including with women. But after learning that Rivera was having an affair with her younger sister Christina, Frida left her husband because she could not bear the betrayal of two close people. The couple reconciled a few months later, but since then they have preferred to live separately.

Frida and Diego. Photo: Carl Van Vechten.

Frida Kahlo was born in Mexico City in 1907. She is the third daughter of Gulermo and Matilda Kahlo. Father is a photographer, Jewish by origin, originally from Germany. Mother is Spanish, born in America. Frida Kahlo At the age of 6 she fell ill with poliomelitis, after which she was left with a limp. “Frida has a wooden leg,” her peers cruelly teased her. And she, in defiance of everyone, swam, played football with the boys and even took up boxing. I put 3-4 stockings on my leg to make it look healthy.

The physical defect was helped to hide by trousers, and after marriage - by long national dresses, which are still worn in the state of Oaxaca and which Diego liked so much. Frida first appeared in such a dress at their wedding, having borrowed it from a maid.

The car accident occurred on the rainy evening of September 17, 1925. The car in which Frida was traveling with her school friend, collided with a tram. The blow was so strong that the guy was thrown out of the car. But he got off easily - only with shell shock. And Frida... The broken iron rod of the tram's current collector stuck into the stomach and came out at the groin, crushing the hip bone. The spine was damaged in three places, two hips and a leg were broken. Doctors could not vouch for her life. Frida Kahlo was 18 years old. And she won.

The painful months of motionless inaction began. It was at this time that she asked her father for a brush and paints. A special stretcher was made for Frida, which allowed her to write while lying down. A large mirror was attached under the canopy of the bed so that Frida could see herself. She started with self-portraits: “I paint myself because I spend a lot of time alone and because I am the subject I know best.”

At 22 years old Frida Kahlo enters the most prestigious institute in Mexico (national preparatory school). Out of 1000 students, only 35 girls were accepted. There Frida Kahlo meets future husband Diego Rivera, who has just returned home from France.

On the wedding day, Diego showed his explosive temper. The 42-year-old newlywed drank a little too much tequila and began firing a pistol into the air. The exhortations only inflamed the wild artist. The first family scandal occurred. The 22-year-old wife went to her parents. After waking up, Diego asked for forgiveness and was forgiven.

The newlyweds moved into their first apartment, and then into the now famous “blue house” on Londres Street in Coyaocan, the most “bohemian” area of ​​Mexico City, where they lived for many years.

Their family life seethed with passions. They could not always be together, but never apart. They shared a relationship that, according to one friend, was “passionate, obsessive and sometimes painful.”

In 1934 Diego Rivera cheated on Frida with her younger sister Christina, who posed for him. He did this openly, realizing that he was insulting his wife, but did not want to break off relations with her. The blow for Frida was cruel. Proud, she did not want to share her pain with anyone - she just splashed it out on the canvas.

The result was a picture, perhaps the most tragic in her work: a nude female body cut with bloody wounds. Next to him, with a knife in his hand, with an indifferent face, is the one who inflicted these wounds. "Just a few scratches!" - the ironic Frida called the canvas.

After Diego's betrayal, she decided that she also has the right to love interests. This infuriated Rivera. Taking liberties, he was intolerant of Frida’s betrayals - famous artist was painfully jealous. One day, having found his wife with the American sculptor Isama Noguchi, Diego pulled out a pistol, but, fortunately, did not fire.

Frida Kahlo’s relationship with Trotsky is shrouded in a romantic aura. The Mexican artist admired the “tribune of the Russian revolution”, was very upset about his expulsion from the USSR and was happy that, thanks to Diego Rivera, he found shelter in Mexico City.

In January 1937 Leon Trotsky and his wife Natalya Sedova went ashore in the Mexican port of Tampico. They were met by Frida - Diego was then in the hospital. The artist brought the exiles to her “blue house”, where they finally found peace and quiet.

Bright, interesting, charming Frida (after a few minutes of communication no one noticed her painful injuries) instantly captivated the guests. The almost 60-year-old revolutionary was carried away like a boy. He tried in every possible way to express his tenderness. Sometimes he touched her hand as if by chance, sometimes he secretly touched her knee under the table. He wrote passionate notes and, putting them in a book, handed them over right in front of his wife and Rivera.

Natalya Sedova guessed about the love affair, but Diego, they say, never found out about it. “I’m very tired of the old man,” Frida allegedly said one day in a circle of close friends and broke off the short romance.

There is another version of this story. The young Trotskyist allegedly could not resist the pressure of the tribune of the revolution. Their secret meeting took place in the country estate of San Miguel Regla, 130 kilometers from Mexico City. However, Sedova kept a vigilant eye on her husband, and the affair was nipped in the bud. Begging his wife for forgiveness, Trotsky called himself “her old faithful dog.” After this, the exiles left the Blue House. But these are rumors. There is no evidence of this romantic connection.

Most of all in life, Frida loved life itself - and this magnetically attracted men and women to her. Despite the excruciating physical suffering, she sparkled with humor, could laugh until exhaustion, make fun of herself, have fun and revel from the heart. And only after taking up the brush did she allow herself to think about the inevitable.

She dreamed of having a child, but a terrible injury did not allow her to have children. Three pregnancies - and this was a real feat in her situation - ended tragically. And then she began to draw children. Most often - dead, although most of her paintings, still lifes, and landscapes are permeated with sun and light.

Frida was a communist. She joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1928, but left a year later following the expulsion of Diego Rivera. And ten years later, true to her ideological convictions, she again joined the Communist Party. In her house on bookshelves there are tattered, well-read volumes of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin's works, next to them is Zinoviev, published in 1943 in Mexico City, right there is Grossman's journalism dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, and the completely unexpected “Genetics in the USSR”.

In the bedroom, at the head of the bed, hang large portraits of the founders of Marxism-Leninism and their most talented followers. In particular, Mao Zedong in a beautiful wooden frame. an enlarged photograph, also in a frame: Lenin speaks from the rostrum on Red Square in front of the Red Army soldiers leaving for the front. Disabled carriage standing next to a stretcher, on canvas, is an unfinished portrait of Stalin. The leader is depicted stern, with frowning eyebrows, in a white ceremonial jacket, with one golden marshal's shoulder strap. Frida didn’t have time to draw the second shoulder strap...

The damaged spine was a constant reminder of itself. From time to time, Frida Kahlo had to go to the hospital and almost constantly wear special corsets. In 1950, she underwent 7 spinal surgeries and spent 9 months in a hospital bed. Now she can only get around in a wheelchair.

In two years - new tragedy: Her right leg is amputated at the knee. And, as a consolation, in the same year, 1953, the first personal exhibition Frida Kahlo. She is happy. She, as always, laughs and makes fun of herself a little. That's what a celebrity I am, they say. No worse than Rivera...

And at home in the tiny bedroom (it is carefully preserved by the guardians of the “blue house”) large bright painted butterflies flutter on the ceiling. Looking at them, Frida calms down, the pain subsides, and she falls asleep, so that when she wakes up, she takes up her brush again.

In not a single self-portrait does Frida smile: a serious, even mournful face, fused thick eyebrows, a barely noticeable black mustache above tightly compressed sensual lips. The idea of ​​her paintings is encrypted in the details, the background, the figures appearing next to Frida. The symbolism of the artist, art critics say, is based on national traditions, is closely related to the Indian mythology of the pre-Hispanic period.

Frida Kahlo knew the history of her homeland brilliantly. Many authentic monuments ancient culture, which Diego and Frida collected all their lives, are now in the garden of the “blue house”. Stone idols and the same stone animals were buried under palm trees and cacti. Indian masks peek out here and there. There is even a rarity here for something else ethnographic museum- a stone slab with a ring for playing ball, an ancient and completely harmless pastime of the Mexican Indians: after all, the captain of the losing team was sacrificed to the gods.

Frida Kahlo died of pneumonia a week after celebrating her 47th birthday, on Tuesday July 13, 1954. The next day, her loved ones collected her favorite jewelry, including an ancient, pre-Columbian necklace, cheap, simple seashell items that she especially loved, and put it all in a gray coffin installed in the Bellas Artes - Palace of Fine Arts .

The coffin was covered with a black blanket, which went down to the floor, strewn with red roses. Frida Kahlo's classmate Arturo Garcia Bustos, like her, is passionate revolutionary ideas, brought a red banner with a hammer and sickle in the center of a white star and placed it on the coffin. A scandal arose, which was quickly hushed up by removing the banner. Standing next to Diego Rivera were former Mexican President Lazaro Cardenas, famous artists, writers Siqueiros, Emma Hurtado, Victor Manuel Villaseñor.