Why does a married woman dream of getting married? Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

You could have double emotions about this dream. On the one hand, wedding chores, even in a dream, leave a good impression on the dreamer. Again, it all depends on the details. For a girl, marrying an unwanted husband, such as an abusive ex, can be a terrible nightmare rather than a sweet dream. So, why do you dream about getting married?

Marriage varies from dream book to dream book. The vision can signify either a favorable sign, promotion or real marriage, or illness, dismissal or divorce.

Interpretation of dreams according to individual plots - marrying a husband, a stranger, an ex

We invite the reader to tune in and remember all the details of the dream. In most cases, the success of dream interpretation depends on the reader, namely his ability to find a creative approach and remember the details of the dream for further analysis. Not all details are important, but the personality of the husband, the place and circumstances of the wedding are worth remembering. So, try to find the interpretation of your dream below:

  • They propose to you in a dream. In real life, people's respect for you will increase, you will make a serious decision, the outcome of which will be favorable for you;
  • Seeing a friend get married. Being at a friend’s wedding and sincerely being happy for her is a favorable sign according to most dream books. Symbolizes strong friendship, recovery from illness, promotion and improvement in material well-being;
  • You marry your ex in a dream. You are not yet ready for a new relationship, you hold conservative views and what is familiar to you is the best. You miss your ex, and the wedding is suffering, since this will not happen in real life;
  • An unknown girl becomes married in your dream. You are completely unfamiliar with this girl in a veil, but are somehow involved in the ongoing event - such a dream predicts a cloudless future for you;
  • In the dream, you had to get married no matter what. Such a vision symbolizes for the dreamer internal complexes, loneliness and bad mood. We recommend finding the cause of such thoughts and dealing with them before you become depressed;
  • In a dream, you become the wife of your loved one in real life. The dream is positive, the event is good, but dream books never connect this fictitious event with reality, so going to the registry office immediately after such a dream is a rash idea no matter how you look at it;
  • It is not you who is getting married, but your own daughter. Most dream books consider such dreams to be harbingers of well-being for both you and your daughter;
  • Becoming your husband's wife for the second time. Marrying your husband for the second time, but already in a dream, is a bad sign. Dream books warn that you could become a victim of an energy vampire; you need to reconsider your priorities, company and field of activity;
  • If you looked at yourself in the mirror for a long time before getting married. You will be lonely, you often strive for self-satisfaction and do not particularly want a serious relationship;
  • Marry your own (cousin). In real life, you have to tame your obstinacy, stop being prejudiced towards people and finally settle down;
  • To dream about your own mother getting married. Such a dream foreshadows conflicts for the dreamer, the resolution of which will take quite a lot of time. Not everyone will be able to recover from it, and your relationships with distant relatives and friends will be hopelessly damaged;
  • The dreamer did not want to get married. If you were literally forced to get married, blackmailed, or simply put under a lot of pressure, such dreams foreshadow troubles that are not always associated with something bad;
  • If in a dream you urgently needed to get married, you literally ran to the altar; for you this was something like salvation. In reality, you will have an interesting job, you will be able to raise your family’s well-being to a new level and provide for yourself;
  • The bride's hairstyle was unnaturally voluminous, more reminiscent of a “nest.” In the near future, you will have the opportunity to earn a huge amount of money, conclude a profitable deal, or sign up for a mutually beneficial project;
  • You were very shy during this process, constantly having to reassure yourself. In real life, you have a very homely image, you are afraid to attract attention to yourself like a girl, because of this you have problems on the personal front. Our site sincerely recommends overcoming these stupid fears and showing yourself in all your glory;
  • Crying at a wedding ceremony. Events that will happen in the near future after a dream with a similar plot are not always unambiguous, so for some time after the dream there is no need to trust new friends, get involved in adventures and sign up for unfamiliar and strange projects;
  • You felt absolutely no affection for the person you married. This dream has an extremely interesting interpretation - if you begin to become emotionally attached to your colleagues, help and support them at every step, then in the end they will betray you, in the hope of taking your warm place. This is human psychology, you should trust dream books;
  • If you experience extremely positive feelings during marriage, then you should interpret such a dream as a harbinger of joyful changes. You will achieve your goal, to which so much effort has been put. You will be able to change the way of your own life beyond recognition.

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities - Vanga, Miller and Sigmund Freud

  1. Interpretation of dreams according to Miller. Being the main character in a dream series about marriage, in real life you really have a lot of problems with men. However, you do not feel deprived, but are trying with all your might to change your attitude, but you may not be moving in quite the right direction;
  2. Sigmund Freud. Freud, as always, looks to the root, but he also agrees with other somnologists and dream books - in real life you lack both romantic and sexual relationships. It is not easy for you to forget betrayal and betrayal, you become attached to people very quickly and you lack emotional support from men;
  3. Bulgarian seer Vanga. The psychic agrees with the others, but nevertheless, in her teachings one can find that a dream about a wedding can mean the same wedding in the dreamer’s real life. So, according to Vanga, a wedding is not just a symbol of uncertainty in relationships and psychological deprivation, it is an excellent chance for any representative of the fair sex to start her life with a completely clean slate, correcting her attitude.

Romantic adventures can happen to us both in reality and in a dream. For a long time, girls have been telling fortunes before going to bed, so that their night dreams will reveal to them the face of their future betrothed. But what to do if you didn’t guess, but still had a dream. So, why do you dream about getting married?

It is important to analyze such a dream in detail, taking into account not only all the symbolism of the dream, but also the real state of affairs. In general terms, the dream book considers a marriage proposal as a favorable sign, in some cases even as prophetic. Therefore, pay attention to the following details:

  • Who is the chosen one?
  • Dress and veil.
  • Circumstances of the wedding.
  • Your behavior.

Firstly, when analyzing night dreams and wanderings, you need to understand why you dream of a marriage proposal. Usually the meaning of the vision is directly related to who exactly is making the proposal.

So, if you heard a proposal from your future or current husband, then this indicates the changes that await you. Many dream books consider such a dream to be a warning, since in the near future you will become energetically weaker than usual, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this.

If a marriage proposal came from a stranger, then such a vision portends temporary difficulties when communicating with strangers. You may be constrained by fear or self-doubt; it is better to cancel public speaking after such a dream.

If you heard a request to get married from a deceased person, then such a vision is very ambiguous. Perhaps you are holding on to something from the past and therefore cannot move forward towards your long-awaited goal. Think about what is holding you back.

If you dreamed that your friend advised you to marry her husband, it means that someone behind your back is spreading not the most pleasant rumors. Try not to pay attention to wits or stop sharing your experiences with those whom you intuitively do not trust.


If in a vision you are getting married in traditional white, then such a dream foreshadows changes in your family; perhaps one of your loved ones or relatives will soon change their unmarried status. Or it may indicate a new addition to the family.

Getting ready to get married in a black dress means that unusual changes await you in your personal life. Apparently, you will be lucky enough to meet a person different from you in everything. Nevertheless, over time you will have many common interests.

If you dreamed of a red dress, then passion will soon appear in your life. A new man, or perhaps your current spouse, will break up the routine around you.

If you dreamed that the bride walked up to the altar in a white dress and came out in a dress of a different color, marriage will bring you very unexpected changes. You will learn something new about both yourself and your spouse. Also, such a dream can speak of the duplicity of your friends.

Suddenly your face in a dream is covered with a thick veil or veil - this may mean that you are not making the right choice in your life. You need to remove the veil, carefully understand the issue that interests you and understand where exactly you are making a mistake.

So, if in your night dreams you marry your current or future husband in a white dress, then such a dream promises you a successful and prosperous marriage. You are making the right choice. Such a dream may occur on the eve of the wedding itself or on the eve of submitting an application to the registry office.

Getting ready to marry a stranger for girls who are not married foreshadows interesting communication that can develop into a serious relationship. If a married woman sees the opportunity to marry a stranger, then she will probably have a young admirer. Well, it’s up to the woman herself to decide whether to accept advances from him or not.

Marrying a uniformed stranger in a dream means radical changes in your work. Perhaps you are waiting for a promotion on the career ladder or an increase in salary. If you dreamed that you were marrying your friend’s husband, and your friend was standing next to you, rejoicing, then such a vision brings you a difficult relationship with her. There may be quarrels and misunderstandings, and it may also happen that a friend will become jealous of her husband.

Getting ready to marry a dead man, just like in horror stories, means that things will not go well for you in the near future. And all because you live in the past. You need to reconsider your priorities and life goals, otherwise your passion for the past will not give you the opportunity to live here and now.

Why do you dream of getting married to a former boyfriend, answers the Meridian dream book - such a vision speaks of your unpreparedness for a new relationship. Apparently, you have not yet gotten over your previous relationship, and the new one will most likely follow the same scenario.

Getting ready to marry an ugly man means that you will soon meet a very attractive young man. Marrying someone in a dream means minor losses in your business. Also, such a dream foreshadows you that your best friend may get married first or your daughter will soon become a bride.

If a woman dreamed that her daughter got married, then this foreshadows the fulfillment of all her desires. As the Noble Dream Book interprets, a marriage in which a daughter is involved in a dream promises pleasant chores and news from distant lands.

If you managed to marry the president in a dream, then this indicates that you have a respectable and wealthy patron.. If an unmarried girl dreamed that she married her father, then this indicates that she will be helped by the people around her in solving difficult problems.

Your behavior

If at the altar you realized that you made the wrong choice, so you said no, then you reserve for yourself the right to choose what you really want, and do not rely on the fatality of fate. Review your recent decisions, you may want to change something.

If you cried during registration, then this promises a fun time. In the near future you will find yourself in a large and noisy company and will receive a lot of positive emotions. If in the vision your friend is standing under the crown, and she married your husband, then you should be on your guard. Perhaps she has feelings for your sweetheart.

If in your night dreams you were afraid of the dead man you married, then this marks serious changes in your life. Soon, loneliness will end and a period will begin that will bring you a lot of new acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you fell during a wedding, then this speaks of your inner loneliness. Find someone to whom you can tell about your experiences and problems, and you will immediately feel better.

Why do you dream about marriage? This is a question with many answers. Such dreams may occur simply because you may be getting ready to get married and are worried about the upcoming troubles. But no matter what you dream, remember that your fate is solely in your hands.

Dream interpretation of getting married

A change in social status has always been a significant event in life. But what if such changes occur in a dream? Marrying someone in a dream means that changes await you in the near future. But what they will lead to - joy or sadness - can be suggested by the details of the dream.

If you had to get married in a dream, you can expect changes in the near future.

Ancient traditions said that the bride symbolically dies for her relatives, and is born into her husband’s family. This means that some stage of life has ended and a new one begins.

If you got married in a dream

Almost every dream book talks about positive changes. Especially if in a dream you had to see yourself in a beautiful dress or with a fluffy hairstyle. But in order for the interpretation to be as objective as possible, you need to remember many different details:

  • who had to marry and who (who is the bride and groom);
  • whether there was a proposal, rings, wedding preparations or the ceremony itself;
  • the appearance of the newlyweds;
  • own perception of the process.

A detailed analysis of these points will help to obtain the most reliable interpretation of why such a dream occurs.

Who acts as the newlyweds

Was the dreamer in the leading role?

If the dreamer sees herself as a bride, then each interpretation will relate to her inner world and her feelings of herself in it. If you dream about something like this on the eve of a real wedding celebration, then there is no need to look for a dream book for an explanation. This is the work of the subconscious, which is waiting for this happy moment.

To see preparations for a wedding or a main celebration where the dreamer is far from playing the main role means that the subconscious mind is telling you about problems with communication. Perhaps a relationship with someone has been damaged, and what this will lead to on the eve of an important event is very difficult to predict.

The dreamer herself had to get married

This is a very exciting dream for young girls and absolutely incomprehensible for married women. The dream book says that its explanation is simple - it means that the change in life will be so dramatic that a change in place of residence (which the dreamer has been striving for for a long time), work, or even her main goals is possible.

  • Receiving a marriage proposal means respect from people significant to the dreamer;
  • a woman dreams of preparing for a wedding - a serious event in which the dreamer will play a secondary role;
  • why marry a stranger from a dream - it means trouble in the family or among friends;
  • for a loved one - the unattainability of dreams;
  • doubt whether it’s worth marrying your current boyfriend and still choose someone else - your plans will come true, you don’t need to worry or change your decision;
  • marrying an ex-boyfriend - longing for unfulfilled opportunities, a desire to return part of the past life;
  • for a deceased person or a dead guy - one of the warning dreams, promises a long-term illness or malaise;
  • for a brother - inconstancy, obstinacy;
  • For a married woman, marrying her husband is a very alarming sign. Quarrels and scandals are possible in the family, which has resulted from a long misunderstanding of each other.

If a relative or friend is getting married

If a friend or sister gets married

When in a dream the main role does not belong to the dreamer herself, this already indicates some problems with the outside world. Perhaps she is too self-confident or likes to insist on the truth of only her opinion. In any case, you need to pay attention to whether you have caused, even by accident, some serious offense to your friends or relatives.

  • Seeing in a dream how a friend is getting married is good news. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited to a celebration that has nothing to do with marriage.
  • Dreaming that a friend is going to marry your ex-boyfriend or husband - old memories, a feast, a party.
  • For your current boyfriend or husband, there is intense competition for the position.
  • If in a dream the bride is the dreamer’s daughter, it means a long separation from someone from the family.
  • She dreams that her sister is going to marry the dreamer’s beloved - a solution to family problems.
  • To see your mother as a bride in a dream - the dream indicates unresolved conflicts and problems. Mom is also worried about this, but it is the dreamer who needs to start the conversation.

Proposal, preparation and ceremony

Seeing in a dream how a loved one proposes is very pleasant for any girl. But none of these dreams has anything to do with love and the development of relationships between a man and a woman.

Such a situation in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is waiting for some kind of decision, which depends little on himself.

Perhaps he has completed an important project and is awaiting a well-deserved bonus or promotion.

For those who are associated with agriculture or farming, this is one of the dreams that symbolizes a bountiful harvest and breeding of livestock. An offer of cooperation from a former partner is possible.

Get a new job

If in a dream everyone was in a hurry and busy with pre-wedding chores, this means that in reality the dreamer will have new interesting work to do. At first, the project will seem grandiose, but then, when it is started, the dreamer will understand that this is the work of his whole life. Thanks to this coincidence of circumstances, he will find new friends, and, possibly, his soulmate.

The wedding ceremony itself is a dream of drastic changes. If everything went well in the dream, the bride was beautiful and happy, it means the changes will be good. If you have a persistent reluctance to enter into an alliance or mourn your choice at the altar, this is one of the negative dreams. You need to try to make every effort to prevent making too important decisions in the near future.

What newlyweds look like

By the appearance of the newlyweds from dreams, one can judge the quality of the upcoming changes.

Appearance of the groom

If the groom dreams of being handsome, smiling, and his gaze is full of love for the bride, this is a very good sign. This is one of the dreams that could mean a new position or job change.

Bride's appearance

What were the newlyweds like?

What the hero of the occasion was like also complements the interpretation of the dream and brings new meanings to it.


A bride's beautiful white dress means that she loves herself very much and admires her attractiveness.

A straight and almost translucent (without an erotic connotation, but with a hint of poverty), cheap or dirty dress from dreams may indicate the bride’s illness.


A bouffant hairstyle symbolizes unexpected receipt of money.


Pay attention to the shoes - you will find a pair, there will be a new relationship.

Interpretation of different dream books

Almost every proven dream book speaks of a dream wedding as a fundamental change in life. Such visions are neither good nor bad - they simply prepare for the perception of a new situation and a different social status.

Miller's dream book about a wedding

Miller's dream book, which is popular today, does not classify dreams in which a wedding ceremony took place as significant. These are ordinary dreams that speak of the need to readily accept changes in life and not perceive them as hopeless, but think that this is a gift of fate.

What Miller says

  • The dreamer had to get married - shyness and constraint do not allow her to maximize feminine attractiveness and attract the attention of the gentleman she likes.
  • For a married woman, marrying her own husband means conflicts and quarrels in the family, which resulted from the inability to listen to each other.
  • The unfamiliar girl from the dream marries the dreamer’s husband - the proposed event is too risky. If this is a new job, then it will destroy family relationships.
  • If you look for beautiful rings for the ceremony, they will try to deceive you.

Freud's dream book about intimate desires

Based on an analysis of aggressive and sexual manifestations of the human essence, Freud’s dream book speaks of dreams in which one had to get married as a hidden desire for self-satisfaction.

  • For a young girl, getting married in a dream means deep dissatisfaction with her personal life. Since you are not able to solve the problem in one fell swoop, you prefer to lie and cheat.
  • Seeing yourself in a beautiful dress is excessive self-admiration. Preferring self-satisfaction over intimacy with a man.
  • Being the bride of your ex-boyfriend means your current partner will cheat on you.
  • Seeing a stranger marry your husband means a tendency towards inconstancy, betrayal, and the search for adventure.

Muslim dream book about marriage

If the wedding is in the fall

Some interpretations given by the Muslim dream book are not always clear to Europeans. But sometimes, they contain such wisdom that it is difficult to discern immediately after reading the interpretation. Everything falls into place after the events have happened.

  • If an unmarried woman dreamed that the wedding was canceled and she was married off to another groom, this is a good sign. The young man in reality will be an excellent caring husband.
  • The day when I had to get married turned out to be autumn - to a successful union and a strong family.
  • Marrying your loved one means troublesome events.
  • If the groom is a widower in a dream, this means future health problems.

Feelings and desires

Analysis of your own feelings and desires in a dream in which you had to get married is also very important. Sometimes, it has a greater meaning than the interpretation given by the dream book.

A wedding is always a joyful and happy event in the life of any woman. Traditionally, at this moment a chic white dress is chosen, a banquet is ordered and many guests are invited. It is not customary to save money on this celebration, because it is assumed that the couple is getting married once and for all. We will find out why a married woman dreams of getting married in proven dream books.

A married woman getting married in a dream is a good sign if the chosen one is her own husband. A wedding in night vision caused you a storm of positive emotions and delight from memories - which means your relationship will have a pleasant continuation. In this case, the love of a married couple can strengthen the conception of a baby. Pregnancy can be a welcome surprise for those who have been planning to become parents for a long time.

For those who have not yet planned a new addition to the family and want to devote more time to their spouse, such a vision will be a hint of a transition to a new level of relationship. You will need more warmth, care, tenderness. Light flirting and intimate conversations can support the romance of love, passion and mutual interest.

A negative meaning of interpretation should be expected from a dream in which you married a stranger. This indicates the imminent betrayal of the spouse, his betrayal and deception. If you dreamed of getting married for the first time, but in reality you are already in your second marriage, this can predict professional burnout. This diagnosis is typical for business women striving for successful career growth. You may feel a decrease in emotional tone, psychological exhaustion, loss of interest and positive attitude towards others.

Suffering from melancholy at your own wedding in a dream means in reality showing detachment, indifference, and a cynical attitude towards people. You've been asked to give a toast of gratitude to the guests from the bride, but you can't find what to say - you'll think about the negative assessment of your abilities, productivity and competence. You feel tight in your wedding dress and your shoes are too tight - in reality you are experiencing severe fatigue and lack of psychological resources in order to cope with stress.

Your future husband will ask you to remove your wedding makeup - such a dream reflects the issue of your spouse’s trust in you. Excessive suspicion can turn your life into tyranny with total control of every step. It is in your interests to assure your spouse of his exclusivity and your devotion.

What else can a married lady expect from her own wedding in a dream?

  • trying on a friend’s wedding outfit - to fleeting intrigue and temptation;
  • the young groom is unfamiliar - in reality, light flirting will be a reason to believe in your own attractiveness to the opposite sex;
  • to see yourself as the bride of a man who is in reality married to someone else - do not place big bets on your plans. Most likely, these goals will not be realized;
  • guests joke and have fun - good news;
  • those invited are bored and do not pay attention to you - the marriage will not last long and will cause a lot of worries;
  • an expensive and luxurious wedding dress that you can’t afford means unjustified expenses. These expenses can have a significant impact on the overall well-being of the family;
  • attending your ex-husband’s wedding as a bride means reassessing your values ​​and your own actions. You may feel that divorce was a premature decision and that things can still be put back on track. But this opinion is wrong;
  • the groom is many years older than you - you will meet a wise and educated person who will teach you to appreciate life and enjoy simple little things;
  • Your daughter dreamed about your wedding - for her first date with a pleasant young man. This will not be a fatal meeting, but will give her the opportunity to appreciate her beauty and youth.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

Pleasant events and changes are foreshadowed by a dream where a married woman saw her own wedding. To experience this significant event again means to plunge into the storm of a new relationship with your spouse. He will be inflamed with new feelings for you, which will benefit both spouses. These emotions can affect the overall structure of the family, change values, attitudes and goals for the future. Material wealth will only grow in proportion to your desire to be together.

A single man dreamed of a wedding dress on a married lady - in reality this will bring a romantic date with a beautiful person. She will have a meek disposition, an easy-going character, life wisdom and feminine intuition. A good chance to find a faithful and reliable life partner.

For a man bound by marriage, such a plot foreshadows a difficult struggle with temptations. There will be many reasons to test the sincerity and devotion of your feelings.

Sigmund Freud

For a married woman to get married in a dream means to desire variety in her intimate life. Perhaps the bed for your spouse has recently evoked only one desire - to sleep. You are not satisfied with his workload or frequent business trips. There will be an interest in flirting with other men. Who knows, sometimes this can also help defuse the tense situation in the family.

If you dreamed of wearing someone else’s dress to your own wedding, years later it may seem to you that your spouse is not the person who can give you a lot of pleasure. This connection no longer seems so exciting to you and suggests that this is not the man with whom you expect to make an ideal couple.


For a married young lady, having her own wedding means making a fateful decision. Your future depends on how seriously you approach the current difficult situation. A large number of guests in a dream can indicate how many destinies you will influence.

If you dreamed of dancing with the groom as a bride, expect a lot of pleasant events that will inspire you to new things and actions. This is the case when you shouldn’t waste time on mediocrity and everyday life. You can achieve a lot in any area of ​​life, especially since you always have reliable support and support from your loved ones next to you.

If you dreamed of seeing your parents in dark clothes at your own wedding, this is a bad sign. This foreshadows the illness of someone close to you. Any minor symptom should be taken very seriously. The illness of a loved one can be unexpected and debilitating for you.

Your own wedding, when you dream that you are getting married, is an omen that major changes will soon occur in life. They can relate to any area of ​​the life of a girl who had such a dream. But most often, the area of ​​change is personal life.

What if you dream that you are getting married?

So, why do you dream that you are getting married? Usually, watching your own wedding in a dream often means that in the future, in real life, you will have to make some kind of responsible and important decision that can change the course of the girl’s whole life.

Also, these may be events that are completely unexpected for the dreamer herself, which will greatly influence her fate and she will not be able to prevent this.

If you dream of a wedding, then this is a very good sign, symbolizing that a very favorable period is beginning in life, in which everything in your personal life will be wonderful and not overshadowed by any sorrows.

If in a dream a girl clearly sees that she is accepting a marriage proposal, then this foretells a high position for her in society, where she will have status and respect. Her reputation will be very positive and success and honor will await her in the social sphere of life.

If a girl dreams that she accepts a proposal and marries a man who is no longer free in real life, then this dream makes it clear that a girl can become an obstacle to someone’s happiness in life, cause someone’s something important to him won't work out.

If a single person dreams that he is getting married or is married, then this is not the most favorable sign for him. There may be some troubles in your personal life or health problems. Such a dream is a warning. You should be careful.

Some dream books say that for a girl to see herself in a white wedding dress is a bad omen. There is, or will arise in the near future, some kind of threat to the health of her, or her family and friends. Perhaps this is not only about physical health, but it may also be an omen that some problem in life will cause severe stress.

If a girl dreams that she is marrying a complete stranger, then this may foretell that new acquaintances will soon appear in her life, her social circle may expand, or, alternatively, she will find a lover.

Another meaning of a dream when you dream that you are marrying a stranger is that it is likely that you will be able to do something that you have wanted to do for a very long time, but something always didn’t work out. This is a good dream, foreshadowing good luck in some area of ​​the dreamer’s life. Social, professional spheres, personal life - all this can improve dramatically if a girl sees such a dream. Perhaps she herself will also need some effort, so you need to be vigilant and do not miss the necessary opportunities.

What does it portend?

If a girl dreams that she is marrying an elderly man, then such a dream is an unpleasant warning that a breakup with her loved one may occur in her personal life and this will be done due to pressure from close people, friends, relatives, or for the sake of to society.

There are some other options for interpreting dreams when you dream that you are getting married. For a girl, this may mean that in real life she is already very tired of loneliness and experiences deep dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere of her life.

This dream indicates that it is time to take some steps to improve your love life, such as starting with improving your own life. Also, such a dream gives hope to this girl, saying that soon these areas will be filled in her life and a loved one will appear. In principle, such a dream promises a favorable outcome for the dreamer and for her personal life.

If you dream that you are marrying a person who is your lover in real life, then this dream suggests that it is possible to expand the circle of friends of this girl, and people will come into her life who will bring only good things.

If you dream that you are marrying an unpleasant person, then this dream may mean that in real life you will get rid of communication with people who are truly unpleasant. This dream means freedom from themselves and from their influence on the dreamer’s life.

So, almost all well-known dream books say that a dream in which it is clearly visible that you are getting married is a favorable sign that only the best and kindest changes will happen in the life of the girl who saw such a dream.